5 Yoga Poses To Connect To Intuition

yoga Mar 24, 2024

Listening to that little voice inside of you can be quite challenging, especially if you doubt what you’re hearing or are fixated on a certain outcome. 

 Yet, honing this internal listening is akin to tuning in to divine wisdom. 

 While many think of yoga as just a practice for stretching and flexibility, it can also be a powerful tool for connecting with your inner guidance.

 Your intuition is your internal compass, leading you towards your true path. By practicing certain poses, you can deepen your body awareness and access your intuition more easily.


Intuition is that deep, internal compass that points towards your own True North.


These point to your ability to hear your Inner Teacher and the willingness to trust in this voice.



But, how do you know where the voice is coming from? With a million voices inside our head, how do we distinguish between the voice of fear and the voice of clear perception?


One good indicator of this is: by the way you feel


The voice of fear usually comes with an unsettled feeling of agitation, such as in anxiety and stress.


When contemplating on a big decision, take a moment to notice how it makes you feel. A sense of pride inflates the ego and puts blinders on our innate connection with all that surrounds us. This blocks us from hearing the whispers that come from your Higher Self.


If you feel any unease, then it would be beneficial to take a few steps back, breathe and maybe even work through it in yoga.

In my yoga studio a few years back, I crafted a sequence that helped me tap into my intuition.
It was a period in my life when tuning into my inner self was so important.

 Amidst the whirlwind of life's demands, my mind was teeming with noise and chaos.This sequence guided me to gently surrender to the rhythm of my breath, to release the grip of pride, and to embrace humility.

 Through each posture, I carved out precious space within, allowing energy to flow freely through my mind and body, restoring harmony and balance to my being.

 A lot of the time, it’s easier to work through these through physical postures. Through movement and the breath, we can let go of anxiety and stress.


Here are 5 Yoga Poses to Connect To Your Intuition (watch out for the flow at the end!):


The truth is the more you trust in your intuition and act on the messages you’re being given, the more your intuition will guide you.


Answers that come from your intuition usually feel crystal-clear, empowering and life-affirming. 

Crystal Clear. Empowered. Life-Affirming. 


From here, we can be led by faith rather than fear. 

Take a chance to listen to the truth inside of you and watch your life unfold to its own perfect plan. 


I trust in my intuition.
I trust in the flow of life.


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